Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Biotechnology a New Frontier to Combat Global Warming

Last few decades Biotechnolgy has been using to prevent and cure diseases, and to make GM foods to meet quick supply demand in the over populated world.Over population and industry expansion are increasing around the world. Overpopulation has several affects on the economy and environment. Insufficient structure and scarce resources fail to support an increase in population destabilizing the supply vs. demand theory and the natural balance. “More people” means “more demand” leading to deforestation, accumulation of green house gases, increase use of chemical pesticides and hazardous waste production contaminating the air, rivers, and ground water which are causing environmental degradation. These all together raise the earth’s surface temperature contributing to global warming which leads to natural disasters and serious health crises due to the spreading of water borne illness and epidemic disease.

Environmental degradation has the potential to destabilize the infrastructure of our industrial and overpopulated country. In turn, this country will face the biggest economic crisis in its history, one of epic proportion that threatens to undermine the future of generations to come. If uncontrolled, pollution will destroy the work force and put a huge burden on the national economy as well as the nation’s overall stability. If the process continues unrestricted, it will lead to catastrophe. We need to insist that our government impose strict industrial and clean water regulations.

At this difficult moment Bioscientists around the globe need to shift their discovery focuses in different venues where world facing the most difficult challenges like global warming. Bioscientists should engage themselves for utilizing the bioengineering approach to meet present and future challenges .To combat global warming is not easy but a huge works needed to be done that ahead of us. These tasks can not be done alone without Govt funding and resources which are crucial to start this initiative. Bangladeshi Bioscientists around the globe need to have a concrete plan and need to present to the Govt of Bangladesh. I am confident Bioscinetists will able to convince Bangladesh Govt. how Biotechnology can be utilized to combat global warming . Hence Bangladesh is facing serous threat due to global warming Govt should seriously think to take this opportunity and meet with Bioscientists and encourage them to come up with Bioengineering model to combat global warming. . I think the implementation of new approach will secure the nation as well as bring new era for Biotechnology in Bangladesh. Bioscinetists should start lobbying with govt and draft a plan “The Role of Biotechnology to Combat Global Warming in Bagladesh” to combat global warming.

In discovery, the Biotechnology could focus more on treating existing uncommon and complicated disease. Through bioengineering modeling, it can forge new frontiers to combat global warming by cultivating new trees, bacteria, and algae, fungus to absorb more carbon dioxide from the environment. World`s 10 % of the green house gases ( CH4) contributed to the environment by rice field. If scientists can invent GM rice which could produce less methane and able to help reducing the global warming. In manufacturing, Biotech can engage in finding environmentally friendly biopesticides and new bio-organisms and enzymes that can reduce environmental pollution. The industry can also practice GLP (Green Laboratory Practice) and GMP (Green Manufacturing Practice) to promote environmental friendly processes to minimize the generation of green house gases and CO2, as well as encourage the use of glassware instead of plastic bottles. Biotech could even be the role model to the other industries by just planting more green trees to absorb CO2 released during manufacturing.
Engaging in innovative ways to manufacture may prevent the pollution and global warming thus securing globl public health, safety and financial stability.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Environmental degradation is the biggest threat to the public health and economy!

Population density gets intensify in every country around the world. From recent statistics shows (World total population Wikipedia) the total population in the world is around 6.78 billion people where as in 100 years before the overall population was approximately 2.0 billion. 100 years ago most of the country in the earth was dependent on the agriculture. At that time earth was facing probably a fewer complications than recent days. Why? If we look back what was the socioeconomic status at that time? People in that time had lesser complication or more complications? Anticipating people had fewer complications than present time. Probably people were completely dependent on the agriculture and used less or no chemicals or pesticides. Once the population density getting intense around the world people have to meet their basic demand like food, shelter, health and wellness, medicine, clothes , communication and transportation systems, and national security . For survival people focused on education, science and technology to met the quick supply demands. People switched their conventional manufacturing process to the industrial manufacturing process which is called industrial revolution that started from England during the 18th century. From then to the date people are depending on the industry base culture. Last 100 years industry expansion occurred so fast around the world, and the society fully depends on the industry and industrial base mechanized agriculture. Now what we have been experienced from the industrialization and mechanized agriculture, and what we have been facing from over population? Is not the environmental degradation through toxic pollution and over usage of natural resource in terms of less supply vs. more demand.

1st of all over population could turn to socioeconomic problem in the world if the huge amount of workforce and people are not structured properly to meet their food supply, shelter, living space and cultivatable land. Once the proper structure, resource and system are not in place that could impact our environment which could lead the natural disaster like flood, cyclone, tornado, and drought and health problem like diarrhoea, decentry, dengu fever, flue, malaria, malnutrion (More demand vs less supply). Now how could the over population lead the health problem? More people means need more food, more accommodation, which lead the shrinking of the agriculture land, lead deforestation and push animals into extinction, consume more water and push off the water level goes to the deep soil surface, day by day filling up the free land and cultivate land, fill up the river , canal, lead unplanned constructions of roads and high ways, increase more transportation and lead fossil fuel consumption which pollutes the air quality and raising the earth temperature that all together distort the environmental balance that increasing the global warming which threatens the earth’s stability in the long run.

Now I want to emphasis on the industrial waste disposal, green house gas emission and chemicals as well as the miss handling and over usage of chemical, fertilizer and pesticides. Now the question is how the public health and economy could be jeopardy due to all of these. The emitted gas from industry could contain Co2, CO, methan, hexane, NO. NO2, Sulpher, lad (auto emission as well) which pollute the air. When this polluted and toxic air is inhaled by the human and animal that could lead the serous health complications. Those green house gases and chemical components once entered into our body system it may mutate or alter the specific gene that could lead the abnormal cell growth which could turned into cancer, may lead other complications like respiratory track problems, affect reproductive organ and pregnancy, psychological imbalance due to destroying neuro transmitter signaling pathways, blocking the normal cell regulation or reduce body’s natural defense system(Immunity) which could lead more other diseases like flue, fever, lung cancer, breast cancer, Alzheimer disease, ADD. Impair motor function, speech problem, retard kid’s brain development, impair physical growth and eye irritation, liver damage, skin rush, and abdominal pain. That eventually put huge pressure on each individual, family and national health care expenditure .The same complications could happen to our domestic animals, livestock, poultry, fisheries which are our main economic backbone and the fundamentals of our nutrition for the survival and growth. That altogether can destabilize the infrastructure of industrial and over populated country. As a result of that the affected country will face the biggest economic burden that has to bear for the long time which could insecure the future of our next generation.

Thirdly, the over usage of chemicals and pesticides in agriculture that pollute the water (ground water, filed water, river/canal water), crops, vegetable and fruits and the vicinity of the crop land where people lives. As we know most of the pesticides are carcinogenic and serious threat to the public health. This contaminated water stored in the soil and dissolved in the water. The human, livestock animal, poultry and fisheries and other animals get exposed to theses chemical through food or drinking water. These chemicals also transmit to our body through animals meat and milk, fruits, vegetables. Some creature like fish, birds and other animal will destroy eventually due to the pesticides toxic effect. The chemicals or pesticides that transmit to our body system (recent US CDC report showed that Bangladeshi population who are living near to the crop lands carrying Oregano phosphate material that causes death to few children in Savar, Bangladesh) could causes cancer, liver damage, kidney damage, nervous system damage, respiratory tract complications and retarded body’s normal growth which will destroy the work force and put huge burden on national economy as well as nation’s overall stability. If the process continues without strict industrial and clean water act regulation, and making no serious efforts to find the better way to minimize the risk on the public health that will have a catastrophic affect and turn any country to a disable nation or non functional country in the earth. Every country must finds out an innovative way to enforce the waste management and disposal program, and clean water treatment to treat those chemicals at zero level. The Govt of each affected country should promote the incentives to the business man or industry who ever follow the govt industrial and agriculture waste management and handling program. To maintain the healthy public life and strong financial system govt of each country around the world must focus on strict regulation to imply industrial waste management and clean water treatment program.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Green efforts are crucial for ecological balance!

As human being we live in the world along with other creatures. We should respect other creatures that co-exist with us in the earth. To maintain a better and healthy life style we should evaluate our every day lifestyle which means how our action could impact on the quality of our life as well as other creatures. We and the nature are very much inter dependent. If we take care the nature well then we can be taken care of well means we can live eco friendly. Plant is one of the important living organisms which can produce their own food and play important role to maintain the natural balance through carbon cycle, and oxygen cycle and nitrogen cycle which are important elements of the earth, and many lives depend on them for the survival and regular activities. On the other hand animal can not produce their own food but fully depend directly or indirectly on the plant for their food supply.
Cellular process of living organisms require oxygen for normal cell function e.g. metabolism, movement, breathing, thinking. Oxygen is the key element for survival of all living organisms. With out oxygen no life is possible in the earth.

The oxygen that we breathe in that comes from plants through photosynthesis. During photosynthesis plants use solar energy (photon from sun lights) to convert carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates and oxygen in a process called photosynthesis.

Then the oxygen is used up by human and other living organisms to break down food (carbohydrate) to release energy (respiration), and carbon dioxide which is absorbed by plant to prepare their food. Thus the cycles of photosynthesis and respiration help in maintaining the earth's natural balance of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water.

Every day the foods we take that come from the nature (forest/green tree). The quality of food mostly depends on the quality of environment e.g. air (clean/polluted) quality, soil, sanitation, water quality, plantation process. Our quality of lives could be impacted due to deforestation, wipeout green trees, the over usage of pesticides, chemical fertilizer during plantation process/agriculture , industrial deregulation of green house gas emission and hazardous waste disposition that could lead to global warming due to raises earth’s temperature and destabilize the natural balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide which could have the vast impact to extinct the living organism from the earth and destroy the ecological balance. The global warming also could lead the tornado, flood, cyclone, and drought which drastically could destroy many species from the earth and distort the ecological balance. In the 21st century if we want to live longer and want to maintain a healthy life style then a natural balance among oxygen, carbon dioxide and water are crucial to maintain the ecological balance in the planet. To maintain the ecological balance we must (a) limit over usage of pesticides, stop cutting trees, stop deforestation, regulate emission of green house gases and industrial waste disposal, and to enforce clean water treatment (b) launch green efforts means we should preserve and protect the green trees and forests, and avoid things that contaminated our environment. (c) avoid using of plastic bags encourage consumers to use natural shopping bags (made from golden fiber/bamboo/tree etc) for everyday house hold usage (d) do plantation in your lawn (e) encourage people to use organic nutrient instead of chemical fertilize during agriculture and plantations(f) use less electricity for everyday life (turn off the computer while it is not in use, use small TV instead of bigger TV) keep your home window open for small portion of time (during the day or night for open air circulation) (g) encourage people to use mass transit instead of using car. If mass transit is not available then use hybrid car. (h) Encourage community members/school kids/student to participate in environmental safety/go green training. Encourage and assist them to attend this type of training (i) encourage/help the community to build the park/nursery/pond/lake (j) arrange a plantation expo in the community to promote “Go Green” where community member can participate. Recognize them for their outstanding contribution (k) make a joint effort with the local city government to promote and participating go green initiatives (l) use natural house hold stuff instead of synthetic staff (m) dry your clothes in your lawn under sun instead of using dryer to save energy (n) stop filling up river and canal and construction of unplanned buildings, roads and high ways to prevent flood from rain which could save the trees and forests (o) Maintain the water bed in the river to prevent the natural flood that could save the green trees and forests

Finally to maintain proper oxygen in the environment and constant food supply we must preserve forest, trees and encourage mass peoples towards green plantations.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

World Environment Day

Celebrate World environment Day on June 5!

World Environment Day (WED) is celebrated each year on June 5 to raise the awareness among people around the world to promote the ways to improve the earth`s environment. This day was established in 1972 by the United Nations General Assembly.

Strive a green imitative in your community to improve the life through an ecological balance!

Please cheers this day as follows:
Save the forest and promote plantation in your community for ecological balance
Turn off your electrical equipments and computer while not in use
Create recreation park around the community.
Create pond and lake in the community to conserve water for maintaining the proper humidity.
Use hybrid car
Use mass transit
Stop using the plastic bag but use the natural shopping bag from golden fiber
Stop deforestation
Regulate industrial and house hold waste disposal
Plant tree around your house to make a cooler environment to save energy
Include Global warming in the school/college curricula
Educate mass people in the community prom to promote healthy life style to prevent global warmin